With the rapidly approaching summer and festive season, and with more residents and their children enjoying the fresh outdoors air through walking, jogging, cycling and more, the WHOA faces an increasing challenge pertaining to certain estate rules that are being transgressed by some. Some of the transgressions we face daily seriously impacts the safety of other residents enjoying the outdoors. Furthermore, other transgressions truly frustrate golfers on the golf course who are enjoying their game of golf. For us to be able to share a fun and good experience within our Estate with others, we need to abide by certain rules of the Estate to ensure everybody’s experience is nothing but excellent.
The WHOA endeavours to enforce the rules of the Estate and has decided to embark on a ZERO Tolerance campaign with regards to the rules. The purpose of the campaign will not be focused on, and is not intended to punish, but rather to align all residents into a state of mind which will positively contribute to a safe estate and a serene environment. The WHOA will focus on transgressions pertaining to, and amongst others, the following rules: Speeding, keeping and control over pets (especially when walking pets on the Estate without being leashed and not picking up excrements), unsafe golf cart usage (including unregistered golf carts), traversing of the golf course after hours (between 23h00 and 05h00), traversing the golf course during golfing hours, vandalism, unruly misbehaviour and contractors activities and access.
Residents are requested to study the rules of the Estate and direct any questions directly to the Estate Manager, Juan Jansen van Vuuren at The rules can be viewed online at
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Woodhill Estate and Country Club is the Estate of choice in Pretoria East for Lifestyle, Golf and Living
Woodhill Golf Course & Country Club by HTME
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