SGM Results

Dear Residents,

The WHOA hereby wishes to thank all residents taking part in the much-anticipated townhall meeting and SGM. The results from the voting are as follow (Measured at a 75% yes vote to successfully pass the resolution). 

  1. Special resolution 1 – 30% voted against the change, not affected
  2. Special resolution 2 – 50.9% voted against the change, not affected
  3. Special resolution 3 – 44.4. voted against the change, not affected
  4. Special resolution 4 – 43.5 % of voters voted against the change, not affected
  5. Special Resolution 5 – 86.15 voted for the change – Rule change pertaining to contractors activities affected
  6. Special Resolution 6 – 87.03% voted for the change – Rule pertaining to Estate agents accreditation affected
  7. Special Resolution 7 – 71.2% voted against the change, not affected
  8. Special Resolution 8 – 63.8% voted against the change, not affected

The only resolutions which passed is special resolution 5 and 6.
Please direct any enquiries directly to the Marketing Manager at

Formal results are available at request by homeowners.

Woodhill Management

See The Mail Below: