In the upcoming weeks, you will observe the removal of sods of grass from the smaller Putting green near the Clubhouse. This decision was made to reshape the green, aiming for a flatter surface to enhance the practicing experience for our members.
Additionally, we have chosen to repurpose the removed sod to address the challenges faced by the greens across the golf course. Consequently, regrowing the Putting green after reshaping will be necessary. We kindly ask for your patience during this process as we strive to offer the finest golfing experience possible.
Furthermore, you may notice an increase in fertility across the greens as a whole due to the introduction of replanted sods and our efforts to maintain their health. This may result in a slightly slower putting surface for the next 2 to 3 weeks.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Best Regards,
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Woodhill Estate and Country Club is the Estate of choice in Pretoria East for Lifestyle, Golf and Living
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