Truth behind Green Speed and Woodhill Green Maintenance update

Dear Valued Woodhill Member,

Management (courtesy of Brett Pretorius & Nick Jacobs) has an insightful article to share about golf course greens and the truth behind green speed. You can read the article here:
Additionally, the team would like to make use of this opportunity to provide you with a brief update on the recent maintenance activities carried out to enhance the condition of our greens:

  • Verti-draining was conducted across all greens to ensure proper aeration and soil health.
  • We utilised “Maredo Tining” to address specific problem areas on the greens.
  • In cases where damage was extensive, we resorted to sodding to facilitate recovery.
  • A soil and root-based fertiliser was applied to stimulate growth and aid recovery. Subsequently, a higher nitrogen-based fertiliser was introduced a week later to promote colour restoration and enhanced growth.
  • Adjustments were made to cutting heights to further enhance grass recovery.
  • We undertook sodding at the rear of the fourth green to rectify any issues.

Furthermore, as part of our proactive approach to winter maintenance, all greens have been seeded with bent grass. This measure is aimed at mitigating the prevalence of “Poa Annua” during colder months. We anticipate that seedlings will begin germinating within 10 to 14 days.
We remain dedicated to maintaining the high standards of Woodhill Golf Course and ensuring an exceptional playing experience for our members and guests. Should you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team.

Warm Regards,

See The Mail Below: