Woodhill Residents Service Portal

Woodhill Residents

Welcome to the resident portal where the Woodhill Residents can find all the important information pertaining to Issues, Rules, Security, Telkom & Fibre, Accredited Service Providers, Levis, and Access Forms

How Can We Help You?

Share your Feedback

Please share any feedback, whether positive or concerning, that you would like the Woodhill Management team to be aware of and address.
Your input is valued and will help us improve your experience.

Your Safety is our Priority 

Woodhill Security

Please see below contact details for Xone Security:

Kyle Jacobsen
Woodhill Security Manager
Xone Integrated Security


Telecommunications & Fibre

Telkom & Fibre

Should you have any queries regarding your Telkom line, please contact the Telkom call centre on:
0800 111 250 and enter the Woodhill Estate Pin Number: 18442


Telkom Woodhill Representative

Billing Information

Levies and Accounts

Need information with regards to your Levies and Accounts?
Contact Midcity Below

Approved Suppliers

Woodhill Bird List